Ouch - blog neglect! Sorry about that to my followers (both of you ;-)) Though actually, one of this month's notable mentions of achievement goes to my first piece of fashion journalism as I started my seasonal columnist scribbling over at British Style Bloggers http://britishstylebloggers.org.uk/2012/06/28/thou-shalt-think-for-thyself/. I'm now planning my July post because it'll have to be up while I'm on Jaunt 1 of the holidays down in Oxford, helping out in the filming of Villainy.
Another thing keeping me very busy has been my (our- it's a Matt and Amy get nerdy project) entry to The Anthology context over at IdeasTap. They fund a 3 month project to produce an e-zine or anthology and we put together a proposal around guerilla art called 'Off Canvas'. This involved hours of touching up, shooting and uploading photos as well as writing the proposal and trawling around Sheffield with a camera and a pasty from the £1 bakery, which is incidentally, just as bizarre as it sounds.
One from Moorfoot.
We had a mammoth day at Sophie's Wish filling another 100 cookie jars to sell at Summer events - including Crosspool festival on Saturday, come one and all!
I also pulled a wonderful little suitcase out of a skip in the rain. I've now relined it with wrapping paper:
And cleaned and started painting the rather many front panel:
Now just need a picture for the back. Well, hopefully July will yield more fun and crafts.