Tuesday, 28 August 2012

August away

This month I've been rushed off my feet. A week in Normandy with one of my sisters and Mum and Dad followed by a few days in the Big Londonia and then a whole lot of cleaning and decorating in Nottingham. I've really missed my bed!

Normandy was meant to be relaxing with no phone or internet, but I took the troubles of home away with me in my head so the best I managed was a bit of distraction. Bec lost her camera on Le Mont Saint Michel on our first day out leading to me trying to remember how to speak French! We spent a lot of time on the beach, winning a sandcastle competition with a Team GB Mini Cooper for Andy and enjoying the strong waves and warm, fairly seaweed-free sea. I got some amazing shells too. Dad and I took a trip to Bayeux to see the tapestry, which turned out to be more of an embroidery - false advertising - and we sort of accidentally bought a sword.

I love France in Summer. All the dilapidated barns and fields of sweetcorn. We spent a lot of time with wine and cheese in the garden of Le Maison Ferey.

London was rather a last minute affair. I got a place on a 'multi-media journalism masterclass' making content for Comic Relief. London is nerve wracking enough for me without having to go out making voxpops and getting chased off by security guards and strange communists. I met some seriously amazing people and got a chance to see Christopher's new flat.

Keen to spend a bit more time with him I followed him to Nottingham where I totally overdid it. Spending 6 hours cleaning an oven that should really have been scrapped and inhaling far too many fumes.

Now back in Sheffield I've got lots of work to catch up on. Only a week till Arkady leaves. September will be a sink or swim month for me.