Thursday, 28 July 2011

Reasons I wish my housemate was a girl...

A 1.  I’d not need to tell people he isn’t my boyfriend  
Yes he is a boy and I am a girl - no Avril Lavigne this does not make anything obvious. We are
friends. Plenty of people have friends of the opposite sex without feeling the need to do the 
squelchy. Plus, I don't think our respective girlfriend and boyfriend would be that amused.

 2.   Borrowing clothes would be easier
Although saying this boys clothes are much comfier. His pants even have a handy pouch at 
the front for keeping your lipstick in. And I do steal his hoodies in winter. 

 3.   Borrowing make up/tights/bras would be possible
The only variety of these items he owns are ones used for pantomime Dames, and nobody's 
boobs are really that size nor is fuscia pink a lipstick colour I could wear in public/daylight. 

 4.  I would not need to paint a target on the inside of the toilet bowl to help his aim
How hard can it be? Point and shoot. He manages on his playstation.

 5.  It would not annoy me so much that his hands are daintier than mine
He has lady's hands. I do not. (He prefers the term 'pianist's fingers')

6.    I’d be less likely to trip over his shoes
but if I did, the damage of falling over heels would be more dangerous.

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