Thursday, 1 December 2011

Why I've been quiet for a month...

For the last month I have not written on this blog, which let's face it does not matter as nobody actually reads it.
I have achieved a few things though mainly this month has been bed ridden with illness so my second biggest achievement was the record breaking amount of biscuit crumbs in my bed. I also learnt to eat with chopsticks, albeit slowly.

No, the biggest achievement of the month has been NaNoWriMo (or to the layman national novel writing month). I had a hankering to get involved with the wonderful 'Movember' moustache growing campaign, but alas my bosom gave me away every time I tried to fake it, so I just sponsored a friend with the appropriate hormonal equipment instead.

For NaNoWriMo the rules are simple - write a 50,000 word novel in the 30 days of November. This was actually my second NaNo and I was very nervous to try again in case I failed and ruined my unblemished success record of one. Again illness rendered me unconscious for 3 days during a few days of the final weeks (which is a rather odd repeat of last year) and I woke up going a) what day is it? and b) oh bollocks, that means I am 5001 words behind. The helpful graph to track my progress suddenly didn't seem so helpful.

My story is about a war time love triangle that made a few friends contort with empathy and agony (and these guys play Warhammer - if you know what I mean). Death, love, war and a victimful crime with no one to blame - I guess that is all I can say without spoiling the twist. What I will say is that it is definitely still pants but this time more comfy M&S black cotton knickers than the big granny pants I churned out last year.

Anyway, although I struggled, I completed with a few hours to spare and can now proudly put up my blog badge for Nano 2011. Will I be a glutton for punishment in 2012? Not even if you paid me - then again, I said that last year!

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