Monday, 21 May 2012


So, long time no blog. I do apologise to you, dear mythical reader, though I have no valid excuse. I've just been doing the usual - USLES, job rejections and depression, as well as spending far too much time on the internet.

I'm now at home for the week waiting for my little sis to arrive back from her travels so I shall also be updating here and catching up there. This was the plan anyway, until I took a new medication, which has left me in a rather spaced out state for 2 days.

Never the less I have something to show you. Earlier this year I took up a New Year's challenge of seizing the year and started doing the pottery class that I'd previously been too scared to join. And here is my first pot....'s all right. I know what you're thinking and I agree, it is pretty hideous. But it is hideous with a purpose - a learning curve of ugly, if you will. It weighs 5lbs as we were encouraged to do something big as a first piece and the shiny, textured technique on the main body is called burnishing, which took 3 hours of polishing with a tea spoon to achieve, followed by a rub over with shoe polish once it was out of the kiln. The lip is glazed over a black and matching green slip. It's not quite a vase or a pot so lesson #1 is that now I'm going to make stuff with a purpose! So I've started on mugs and a teapot. Lesson #2 was that scrapping something I've spent an evening on is far more sensible than carrying on with something that I don't like and I guess lesson #3 was the techniques.  So, as it turns out, after all that waiting and wanting that I'm not great at pottery but at least I've tried.

Let's hope my next attempt will be less thorns and more blackberries!


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