Sunday, 23 December 2012

A trio of events

I'm trying to get around to posting achievements from the last 6 months but job applications keep getting in the way. Anyway, at some point, October I think I had a trio of events. First was a Sophie's Wish fundraiser at Megakidz where I just did a couple of tombolas; then a fashion show for Rainbow's End, which everyone enjoyed; and then curated my first art exhibition as a mental health week event. Ended up knackered. I did ask myself a few times why I do these things for free when they tire me out so much but the delight people took in having their run on the catwalk and paintings on display soon reminded me that I am not the centre of the universe and I can sleep when I'm dead!

Erna looking amazing in clothes for super skinny people:

The poster from the artSHIP exhibition:

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The little blog of DREAMS

Well, seems I have chronic blog neglect. Nice to know that it will be here when I need it though. I have lots of small triumphs to record but as I didn't take my lithium last night I am in one of those moods where I am overwhelmed by my dreams. I thought if I post them here then I (or you, if you exist) can post ideas in the comments on how I should go about achieving this.

So here's the run down:

1. Become a children's doctor - an ambition I have had since childhood that uses almost all of my natural
                                                gifts: barriers being - there are no part time courses(disability discrimination I
                                                cry!); funding(top up fees); my Chemistry A level is not A but AS; fitness to
                                                practice discrimination; the GAMSAT; difficulties of getting work experience
                                                being from a non-medical family.

2. Do a PhD to benefit the world            - money(though cheaper than medicine fees); needing to find a tutor
(arts/health/peer support/storytelling)         who believes in me; coming up with a stonking proposal.

3. Sell my artwork (and not just to  - confidence vs the benefits trap (i.e I'd get into trouble if I succeeded
friends/family)                                   but if I failed I'd lose confidence.

4. Publish some writing           - confidence to finish stuff; finding an agent; knowing where my talents lie

5. Get a short film shown at a festival - no access to final cut pro; need a wingman; need a fab idea.

6. Direct or write for professional theatre - lack of contacts; need experience to get experience; not being a

7. Start an arts' centre to employ people - would need around £500,000.
who face discrimination and enrich the
community culturally at the same time.

8. Get my own home                - Dull but true. Then I could make it totally awesome, charge my friends just
                                                  enough rent to pay the mortgage and make an art studio in the cellar.

9. Be a radio presenter (hospital or community radio), should be possible, surely? And stand-up comedy.

10. Be well enough to travel.

And find a job, get well (as much as pos), find a nice man, have a baby and lose half a stone obviously!