Thursday, 13 December 2012

The little blog of DREAMS

Well, seems I have chronic blog neglect. Nice to know that it will be here when I need it though. I have lots of small triumphs to record but as I didn't take my lithium last night I am in one of those moods where I am overwhelmed by my dreams. I thought if I post them here then I (or you, if you exist) can post ideas in the comments on how I should go about achieving this.

So here's the run down:

1. Become a children's doctor - an ambition I have had since childhood that uses almost all of my natural
                                                gifts: barriers being - there are no part time courses(disability discrimination I
                                                cry!); funding(top up fees); my Chemistry A level is not A but AS; fitness to
                                                practice discrimination; the GAMSAT; difficulties of getting work experience
                                                being from a non-medical family.

2. Do a PhD to benefit the world            - money(though cheaper than medicine fees); needing to find a tutor
(arts/health/peer support/storytelling)         who believes in me; coming up with a stonking proposal.

3. Sell my artwork (and not just to  - confidence vs the benefits trap (i.e I'd get into trouble if I succeeded
friends/family)                                   but if I failed I'd lose confidence.

4. Publish some writing           - confidence to finish stuff; finding an agent; knowing where my talents lie

5. Get a short film shown at a festival - no access to final cut pro; need a wingman; need a fab idea.

6. Direct or write for professional theatre - lack of contacts; need experience to get experience; not being a

7. Start an arts' centre to employ people - would need around £500,000.
who face discrimination and enrich the
community culturally at the same time.

8. Get my own home                - Dull but true. Then I could make it totally awesome, charge my friends just
                                                  enough rent to pay the mortgage and make an art studio in the cellar.

9. Be a radio presenter (hospital or community radio), should be possible, surely? And stand-up comedy.

10. Be well enough to travel.

And find a job, get well (as much as pos), find a nice man, have a baby and lose half a stone obviously!


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