Thursday, 8 March 2012

Being Proud not Jealous.

In my situation while I watch the successes of friends whom I have supported or family it is very difficult not to get a tinge of the green eyed monster. In fact I regularly become such a monstrosity - though hopefully only in private. I have lost touch with several friends because they are busy having the lives they planned and I find it too painful to watch what I feel I also deserved, perhaps deserved more than them sometimes too.

Today reading my little sister's travel blog I didn't feel jealous, I just felt proud. Granted I'd rather her dancing outfit for the bar where she worked had a little more to it but although pictures of koala bears and palm beaches flood her Facebook account my overwhelming feeling is of pride that she is so brave as to go and explore the world.

I want to exorcise that green-eyed monster. I don't like the person it makes me. Maybe this is how - I should remember to be proud of the part I took in making those other lives fit an let the happiness of others be my reward. Unfortunately I am not Mother Theresa so this will be easier said than done but hopefully this little stream of thought might help me remember.

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