Thursday, 1 March 2012

Titus pie!

USLES is doing another double bill this term and as Mr Producer(Matt) and I were bored we decided to hatch one of our more elaborate dreams of professionalism into reality - grown up looking posters! USLES has always used illustrations, which can get confusing as people think all we are is pantomime or that our stuff is aimed at children, which it rarely is unless changed for them to take the ruder bits out. Drawing made a lot of sense when we had a professional illustrator on the cast though but now she has moved on.

We had 2 hatchling plans but could only put the one for 'Titus' in to practise. Titus by Tim Norwood is an improvement on Shakespeare's 'Titus Andronicus', which was an improvement on something Greek. In it 2 of the Queen's sons get cooked into a pie, which is fed back to her. So we made....


So, crap from my kitchen became a piece of photography - only problem is the president has vetoed using it because it won't photocopy in black and white. Hopefully one of our pencil wielders will do another version that can be done in black and white for flyers.

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